MBBS in China is taught by two kinds of Universities, which are as follows:
MOE China Listed Universities which are allowed to teach MBBS degree to International students in English Medium.
Non-Listed Universities which are also allowed to teach MBBS degree to International students, however, they are allowed to teach International students in Chinese Medium.
Now, being a student aspiring to Study MBBS in China, you must be thinking about which of the two kinds of Universities should you opt for. Logically speaking, you should choose option 1 - The MOE China Listed Universities which have been allowed by the Ministry of Education, China to teach MBBS in English Medium, because you being an International student do not speak Chinese and learning a language based on characters instead of letters might seem scary to you at first. However, to be honest, choosing a Listed or a Non-Listed usually depends on what part of the world you come from and if the Medical Council of your home country accepts you studying at a Non-Listed University or not. For Example, Pakistani students usually go for Non-Listed Universities (Click to check the List of Medical Universities in China on List A of Pakistan Medical Council - PMC), mostly because they are cheaper compared to the Listed Universities. On the other hand, students coming from India and Bangladesh need to Study MBBS at those Universities which are accepted by Medical Council of India (MCI)/National Medical Council (NMC) and Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) respectively, Moreover, the Listed Universities have been allowed a specific quota for accepting international students to be taught in English. Be aware though while choosing a Listed University now a days, since the MOE Listed Universities have limited seats to accept on English taught MBBS program, they have now come up with another strategy. The MOE Listed Universities also offer Bilingual/Chinese Medium programs which is relatively cheaper (But still expensive) compared to the English Taught MBBS program. The Non-Listed Universities on the other hand do not generally have a specific quota to accept international students. However, whether you choose a Listed University or a Non-Listed University to pursue your MBBS degree, studying Chinese language is a compulsion for every international student. This is because it is absolutely essential for your living in China. You will need to interact with people in Mandarin (Chinese Language) for your everyday living. Similarly being a student studying MBBS in China, you will have to interact with patients in Mandarin (Chinese Language also known as Pu Tong Hua / 普通话) at the hospitals, thus making it absolutely necessary for international students to learn the Chinese language. Find out, is it really necessary for Pakistani students to study MBBS at MOE Listed universities.
MBBS in China at MOE Listed Universities costs between RMB 30,000 and RMB 80,000 per annum which includes both the tuition and accommodation fees. This equals to PKR 12.6 Lakh to PKR 33.6 Lakh per annum, depending on the university you choose to study at.
List of MOE Listed Medical Universities allowed to teach International Students MBBS in English Medium for 2022 is given below:
University Name No. of International students Accepted World Ranking
Dalian Medical University 100 1,233
China Medical University 100 753
Qingdao University 60 609
Capital Medical University 100 380
Tianjin Medical University 100 633
Shandong University 78 206
Fudan University 40 102
Xinjiang University 100 1,348
Nanjing Medical University 100 438
Jiangsu University 100 508
Wenzhou Medical University 100 725
Wenzhou Medical University (Overseas) 50 725
Zhejiang University 110 97
Wuhan University 50 183
Huazhong University of Science and Technology 70 137
Xi'an Jiaotong University 100 180
Southern Medical University 100 544
Jinan University 100 460
Guangxi Medical University 100 1,207
Sichuan University 100 208
Chongqing Medical University 90 782
Harbin Medical University 60 749
Beihua University 40 2,295
Jinzhou Medical University 20 5,478
Jilin University 60 223
Hebei Medical University 60 1,224
Ningxia Medical University 60 1,877
Tongji University 30 219
Shihezi University 60 1,483
Southeast University 60 244
Yangzhou University 60 617
Nantong University 60 965
Suzhou University 60 277
Ningbo University 40 802
Fujian Medical University 60 989
Anhui Medical University 60 868
Xuzhou Medical University 60 1,323
China Three Gorges University 20 1,401
Zhengzhou University 20 330
Guangzhou Medical University 60 678
Zhongshan University 20 130
Shantou University 20 1,050
Kunming Medical University 60 1,509
North Sichuan Medical College 40 9,171
Southwest Medical University 60 1,694
Xiamen University 40 197
A total of 45 (+1) Universities have been authorized by the Ministry of Education China to teach English Medium MBBS to international students in 2022-2023, which can accept a total of 3,058 international students every year.
At Web Consultants - the Best China Education Consultant - we have been helping students to Study MBBS at the MOE Listed Universities since 2007 when the list of Medical Universities was issued for the first time by the Ministry of Education China. The list of Medical Universities allowed to teach MBBS in English by MOE keeps on changing from time to time, so it is suggested for students to also keep checking the latest Medical Universities allowed to teach international students MBBS list from the MOE China website as well.
Due to Covid though, international students have not yet been allowed to enter China and the classes as of today are being offered online only to international students. Find out When can International students return to China? and the challenges international students face in online learning.